...Now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.
--A. A. Milne
I loved my birthday cake by Grandma Ann!
Yes, I can blow out six candles!
And I love my soft Pooh pillowcase my cousin Jesse made for me.
It's magic.
Sometimes it turns into a turban.
I'm magic too.
Sometimes I turn into a Pajama Bag and Underwear Ogre.
But only when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
And Chris had a birthday too. I told him I thought he'd probably be thirty-five by now.
But he thinks he's nine.
He wanted a soccer ball cake.
Here are the spots.
And here are the lines in between.
Randall says they don't belong there.
But Chris said, "Who cares?"
It turned out perfect.
And I sang happy birthday to Chris...
and Mom...and Dad...and Randall...and Danny...and me...again.
Aren't birthdays great?