Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Southern Mennonite Fellowship Meetings

Where I spent the entire weekend

Dr. Laverne Miller expounded on various medical issues

This past weekend we were at Hartwell, GA for the annual Southern Mennonite Fellowship Meetings. For the last 7 years, I have been taking my sound and recording gear up and taking care of the live sound as well as recording and selling tapes and CDs of the messages.

Hartwell is about 2 hrs. northwest of here. We went up Friday at noon. I spent all afternoon setting up my equipment in time for the first evening session. Then 3 sessions on Sat with a terrific barbequed pork supper, followed by 2 more sessions on Sunday. Then I packed up my stuff and we got home about 7PM Sunday evening.

A very enjoyable weekend. We enjoyed seeing friends from all over the southeast that we don't get to see very often.

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