Friday, October 01, 2010

What We Didn't Know

Four years ago, we didn't know that October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

...We didn't know that along with the gift of this tiny new baby, we had also been given new vision to see vibrant new colors and extraordinary beauty in unexpected places.

...We didn't know that we had just won a scholarship for an education in the world's best school.

...We didn't know how lovely it is to have the sweet innocence of childhood stretched out to last a little longer than ordinary.

...We didn't know the joy we would experience, the friends we would make, the strengths we would develop.

...We didn't know that what we thought was our greatest fear was instead our greatest blessing.

...We didn't know---but now we do.

Thank God!

"...and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6

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